photo by Tony Hoxsie
This place has been on my bucket list since I was a kid? I think I remember my dad talking about it but it could have been another cave. Or maybe it was the PBS special about caves that we recorded and watched over and over. Not really sure, all I know is that it was so fun to be able to finally go!
There were a few activities outside we checked out before our tour started. This place has a zip line and also birds for a bird show! It was very hot so the owner of the birds had them in the shade for a break instead of their usual sunny spot. 
photo by Tony Hoxsie
photo by Tony Hoxsie
Sights to see on the way in to the room with the spiral stairs to the 'floor' of the cave.
I'm not sure how many people were in our tour group but there was at least 50! So many people to file up and down narrow stairs and a spiral staircase.
Cave ;-)
It's sometimes hard to capture the coolness of a cave with a regular camera or phone camera but I did my best. 
photo by Tony Hoxsie
235 steps on the spiral staircase!
photo by Tony Hoxsie
I enjoyed the tour, very interested, but I did not enjoy our tour guide talking way super fast. I couldn't catch some of what he said and I had to listen hard to understand what he was saying. He talked faster than my sister and I did when we were teenagers!
We are so far town! 165ft to be exact. 
 Great times in the cave, I am so glad we were able to check it out!