Yes, I'm shouting. Yes, I'm that excited about checking this place off my bucket list.

After using the wifi in the McDonald's parking lot for an hour or two (Mesquite has the worst T-Mobile reception!) we headed over to Valley of Fire. It really wasn't that far away to get to.

The views were beautiful!

Go in the afternoon and get some nice shots! But they tend to get a little more shadowy as the sun starts to go down. Obvi.

Having some fun playing on the rocks and stretching my legs

Keeping on the trail wasn't hard to do thanks to these signs. It's been awhile since we've done a hike!

I dont know very many good jumping poses apparently.

My glass ball made an appearance and I got some neat shots.

The walk was surprisingly sandy for a lot of our hike.

Taking a rest in a shady spot. LIttle slot canyon - super cool

Some selfies along the way. There were lots of good backgrounds for photos!

Plus just good photos in general. The views were pretty amazing.

Found a hole! Had to have some fun with it.

Hiking feet on these pretty rocks. It's always a good idea to wear comfortable shoesbecause you don't always know how the terrain will be. I often see people out hiking in flip-flops or less than comfortable shoes. Don't do yourself disfavor, be prepared!

At the end of the hike - up and out!

Some more fun with the glass ball pictures. No editing has been done.

I am super glad we came.
Entrance fee is $10. Open sunrise to sunset. Great little gift shop to find some treasures.
The visitor center area has a lot of information about the park and area.
This park is great for camping, picnicking, hiking and watching for animals. We saw big horned sheep and a bat. There are lots more animals out there to see for sure though.