The leaves were barely starting to change when Tony & I were up in Utah. We took the Mazda, and Reese & Riley, up to Little Cottonwood Canyon to get some pictures and test out the Mazda because my sister (who the car is staying with right now) was having some issues.

I captured a few photos of the changing leaves through the smokey air. I knew the colors would get better - after we went back to California! Darn it.

Found a cute area to take a short walk. Riley had to use the restroom so Tony too him to do that and I had Reese and we explored for a little bit.

Such pretty scenery and I wish it hadn't been so late because I would have liked to take a longer walk on the trail. Next time!

Headed back to Salt Lake and we had to pull over often because the left brake was not doing well. By the time we finally got to a good area out of the canyon to pull over, the rotor was glowing, per Tony. Riley hadn't used the restroom at the hiking area so we scrurried down the street to a 7-11 and got business done. Walked back to the car and it had cooled down enough to baby it back to Laura's. The next day we got the parts needed and Tony spent all afternoon fixing the brake. Bless him! It took a long time because bleeding the brakes wasn't successful but we finally got it to work. Yay!